Thursday 9 June 2016

Security gaps for BECE to be plugged, BNI

Officials of the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) will be accompanying the transportation and distribution of this year’s BECE examinations papers.

According to director general of the Ghana Education Service (GES), Jacob Kor the new arrangement is
meant to curb the leakage of exam papers and questions.

The GES made the revelation at a press conference in Accra Wednesday. Mr. Kor further noted that the police will also be on standby together with the BNI to help provide effective security and quality control monitoring mechanisms throughout the period of the examinations.

Right from the time the question papers are carried from the depot, there is going to be BNI personnel accompanying the questions,” Kor said.

The council is hoping that these stringent measures are to ensure that papers and questions do not leak in the upcoming BECE this year.
Final year pupils from Junior High School (JHS) will begin their final exams on Monday, June 13, 2016.

The GES and WAEC have been battling with the menace of exams leakages in times past.

Its all good and well the intentions and measures of GES and WAEC but questions still remain to be answered. Some of these are; what has these two bodies done about personnel of the printing press who also leak these exams questions and what of the teachers who come into the exams halls, take a question paper and then proceed to solve the question for the students in farvour of the school's image or in exchange for money.

Then there are the officials (police, GES, WAEC, invigilators, etc) who are induced to look the other way whiles students cheat,

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