Monday 11 July 2016

Why you need not to buy MTN's Unlimited data bundle

You hear and/or read the word unlimited and a smile comes over your face. No restrictions, no holds barred, no worries about my data balance, "browse all you want for 10cedis". Heck, I can even stream live radio or watch a movie or two or even three.

That is not the case when MTN, the "lead telecommunication network" in the country speaks out the word Unlimited data. What they actually mean is you are capped at a certain point unknown to you. when you hit this mark, you are not cut-off from the internet and its content. Ooooh no! You are frustrated and hassled into purchasing a new plan. Your internet speeds drops, as though you were in a free fall, from 3G+ to below 2G. This is like internet in the days when everybody used a Nokia 3310 (yam) and was proud to show it off.

It's a smart way to make money but in all honesty it's a rip-off and on one cares. The regulatory bodies do not care neither does the government. Why? I can guess an answer. The chairman/chairperson of the National Communication Authority or someone in his/her close ranks is doing favors and/or taking favors from this telecommunication company. He/she with his position of influence has secured a job for a son or a cousin or a girlfriend. So no longer has the moral standing to see to it that MTN advertise the product the right and correct way. Hell!!!!! The two parties could be involved in something worse. After all, you might be saying, that's the way it is in Ghana. Its not the way its suppose to be. You deserve better.

This is not only limited to MTN. All the other telecommunication networks do it. Make sure you know what you are purchasing from these telecommunication networks because you might just be throwing hard earned money away.

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